Almost all Payment Card Industry (PCI) breaches over the past year, including the most recent one at Supervalu appear to have the following aspects in common: 1. They involved some compromise …
That Odd Authentication Dichotomy Needs To Change
By now, it should be clear that we need to consider strong (multi factor) authentication for access to anything of value. In an age and time when most public email services …
Beware of Security Best Practices and Controls Frameworks
What could be possibly wrong with “Best Practices” or “Leading Practices” that your favorite security consultant might be talking about? Or for that matter, how could we go wrong if we used …
From A Security Or Compliance StandPoint…
It is probably safe to say that we security professionals hear the phrase in the title of this post rather frequently. For one, I heard it again earlier today from …
A Second Look At Our Risk Assessments?
I came across this Akamai Security Blog post recently which I thought was a useful and informative read overall. As I read through the blog post however, something caught my …
Top 10 Pitfalls Security or Privacy Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment is a foundational requirement for an effective security or privacy program and it needs to be the basis for every investment decision in information security or privacy. To …
Compliance obligations need not stand in the way of better information security and risk management
I couldn’t help write this post when I noticed this press release based on an IDC Insights Survey of Oil & Gas Companies. I don’t have access to the full …
Pay attention to Security Risk Analysis in Meaningful Use Attestation
As is well known, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been conducting pre and post payment audits of healthcare provider organizations attesting to Meaningful Use (MU). Our experience …
CHIME On MU Audits… Looking For Thoughts/Feedback
I happened to read this article from Information Week Healthcare and was especially interested by this quote reproduced below… “CHIME also raised the issue of excessive auditing of providers in …