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Is your auditor or consultant anything like the OPM OIG?
The OPM breach has been deservedly in the news for over a month now. Much has been written and said about it across the mainstream media and the internet1. …
Patient Portals Make or Break
Like many other Health IT initiatives today, the primary driver for patient portals is regulatory in nature. Specifically, it is the Meaningful Use requirements related to view, download or transmit and …
How useful is the HHS OIG report published this week?
I am sure some of you saw this news report about HHS OIG finding some security related deficiencies in the EHR certification program. I was keen to read the full …
Top 10 Pitfalls Security or Privacy Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment is a foundational requirement for an effective security or privacy program and it needs to be the basis for every investment decision in information security or privacy. To …
Verizon 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report Key takeaways for Security Assessors and Auditors
The Verizon 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) released last week has some interesting findings, just as it did last year. What makes it special this year is that Verizon …